What is the Housing Corporation of Arlington (HCA)?
I wondered this for a few years before I understood.
Housing Corporation of Arlington is a non-profit that buys, builds, and manages affordable housing. They *do* things. They are creating affordable housing in real time!
The mission of HCA is to provide and advocate for decent, affordable housing for low and moderate income families and individuals in Arlington. The organization surrounds communities, while promoting social and economic diversity.

Their vision:
HCA envisions a vibrant, economically diverse Arlington that offers a wide range of affordable housing that blends into the community. HCA housing is safe, attractive, environmentally sound, and affordable in perpetuity.
HCA envisions a community of resident leaders who engage in the civic conversation in order to make our town more affordable and inclusive.
HCA’s members drive this vision. Members include tenants, homeowners, congregations, businesses, and others who invest time, money and other resources in order to keep our town diverse and stable. Members serve on our Board of Directors, on our committees, or they contribute in other ways throughout the year.
You can support affordable housing in Arlington by spreading the word about Housing Corporation of Arlington, participating in the Annual Walk for Affordable Housing and by becoming a sponsor!
Become a Sponsor!

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