—->>>> Buy Raffle tickets now! Quick and easy secure online donation processing. When contributing to the Walk, indicate this by writing in the box for “Optional Note to HCA.”
Housing Corporation of Arlington provides and advocates for decent, affordable housing for low- and moderate-income families and individuals in Arlington and surrounding communities, while promoting social and economic diversity.
Sunday June 9th, 2019
Join us Sunday, June 9th, when HCA will host its 18th Annual Walk for Affordable Housing at the Jason Russell House on 7 Jason St. in Arlington from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Do you have any questions or need more info, or have ideas on how to help out with the Walk? Feel free to contact Seth Jenkins at [email protected], or call (781) 859-5294.
HCA’s largest fundraiser of the year, the Walk raises awareness and funds for our Affordable Housing program to house low- and moderate-income families and individuals in need; and HCA’s Homelessness Prevention Program, to provide financial assistance to those in danger of losing their housing. Last year HCA raised more than $37,000 in support of the 93 properties under management, and specifically the 57 units in our current development pipeline.
How to Support the Walk:
Donate Now- Quick and easy secure online donation processing. When contributing to the Walk, indicate this by writing in the box for “Optional Note to HCA.”
Walker Pledge Form– If preferred, you may print and use this Pledge Form to raise funds! Donations will also be collected at the Walk!
Volunteer- Contact Seth Jenkins by e-mail by clicking this link, and giving us some more info on your interest in volunteering. Make sure to write in your message your name, phone number, and address, as well as what volunteering skills you can contribute.
Business Sponsorship Form- Click link to get our sponsorship form to mail-in.
Buy a Raffle Ticket! Go to our Donation page and buy 3 for $10, 5 for $15, or 10 for $20. Make sure to write “RAFFLE TICKET” under “OPTIONAL NOTE TO HCA.”
Donate a Gift-In-Kind for our Raffle! A donated item/service to be included in our raffle prizes!