A few years ago I invested in come kayaks and paddleboards for the family so that we can pop over to Mystic Lake anytime....or head further afield. But the Rec Department makes it easy to rent equipment and have an easy afternoon of fun! Here are the details from the Arlington Recreation ... Continue Reading » about Rent Kayaks, Canoes and Paddleboards at the Arlington Reservoir
Arlington, MA Memorial Day Dish and Destination?
What are you go-tos? I am happy in the back yard for Memorial Day....it can be a goal to get the yard summer-ready (ish) for that weekend. I much prefer that to going anywhere in traffic, and coming home to a yard still waking up from its snow blanket. We have several dishes that mean ... Continue Reading » about Arlington, MA Memorial Day Dish and Destination?
Family Fitness in Arlington
My office claims that May is National Physical Fitness Month? Is this true? 🤔 In any case, the chatter at the office meeting was encourage us to be more active (does seeing 100 houses per week count?) and give each other ideas other than a gym regimen (looking at you people with no kids). ... Continue Reading » about Family Fitness in Arlington